Andreas Groß
Specialist for Rental and Residential Property Law
“Success on the basis of technical and methodical competence”
- Andreas Groß, born 1965, married, high-school diploma 1985 at the Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Gymnasium in Mannheim
- Study of jurisprudence at Mannheim University and the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg
- Legal clerkship at the district and regional courts of Landau (Palatinate) and Kaiserslautern and at the Bad Dürkheim District Administration
- 1991 graduate studies at the University of the Saarland in Saarbrücken
- 1994 legal consultant in the areas of travel and contract law
- 1997 admission as lawyer
- Since 2005 Specialist for Rental and Residential Property Law
- Speaker at the Rhine-Main Chamber of Trade and Commerce in Darmstadt
- Honorary activities in children and adult education Member of the Mannheim-Neckarau Kolping family