Anwalt Arbeitsrecht Bensheim

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Phone +49 6251 84 29 0

Jochen Breitenbach

Specialist for Industrial Law

“Trust and transparency as the basis ofthe mandate”

  • Jochen Breitenbach, born 1966, married, four children, high-school diploma 1985at the Goethe-Gymnasium in Bensheim
  • Study of jurisprudence at the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg, main areas industrial, social-security, and environmental law
  • Study of business sciences at the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg, main area payroll and financial accounting
  • Legal clerkship at Mosbach District Court, Mosbach Public Prosecution Department, the town of Weinheim, and Mannheim Labour Court
  • 1996 admission as lawyer
    Since 1999 Specialist for Industrial Law
    Since 2001 Arbitrator at theConciliation Office of the Frankfurt Chamber of Lawyers
    2010 successful attendance at the theoretical seminarof the qualification programme as “Specialist for Traffic Law”
  • Since 1982 honoraryactivities in sports and cultural affairs, in particular in childrens and adult education; active sponsor of the “Kinder sind Klasse!” project
  • Member of the Lawyers Association of Darmstadt and South Hesse
    Member of the“Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fachanwälte Arbeitsrecht im Deutschen Anwaltverein“ (Industrial Law Specialist Working Group in the German Lawyers Association)
    Member of the Verband deutscher Arbeitsrechts Anwälte e.V. (German Industrial Lawyers Society)
    Member of the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Verkehrsrecht im Deutschen Anwaltverein“ (Traffic Law Working Group in the German Lawyers Association)
    Member of the “Verband deutscher Verkehrsrechts Anwältee.V.” (German Traffic Lawyers Society)
    Member of the “Wirtschaftsvereinigung Bensheim e.V.” (Bensheim Trade Association)