Ronald Dallhammer
Specialist for Building and Architects Law
Specialist for Family Law
“Competence and experience lead to the correct strategy”
- Ronald Dallhammer, born 1957, married, two children, high-school diploma 1977 at the Goethe-Gymnasium in Bensheim
- tudy of jurisprudence at Mannheim University
Legal clerkship at Mannheim Regional Court, Mannheim Public Prosecution Department, Karlsruhe Building Inspectorate, one semester of studies at the Speyer High School of Administration
Proof-reading assistant for the Speyer High School of Administration - 1985 admission as lawyer
- Since February 2007 Specialist for Building and Architects Law
- Since December 2007 Specialist for Family Law
- Member of theLawyers Association of Darmstadt and South Hesse
- Several years of activity as spokesman for a local citizens’ initiative