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Thorsten Eschborn

“The best solutions are sometimes in the details”

  • Thorsten Eschborn, born 1978, high-school diploma in 1998 at the Altes Kurfürstliches Gymnasium in Bensheim
  • Study of jurisprudence at the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg
  • Legal clerkship at Darmstadt Regional Court, Darmstadt Public Prosecution Department, and the legal department of the Bergstraße District
  • Graduate training in business sciences at the Hagen Open University
  • 2007 admission as lawyer, primarily active in the areas of civil and social law
  • 2009 successful attendance at the theoretical seminar of the qualification programme as “Specialist for Social Law”
  • Honorary activity in a sports club, inter alia as member of theGames Committee
  • Since 2013 Specialist for Medical law